Past WG Updates

Thank you for supporting Watertown Walks for Peace!

Thank you for supporting the successful 2022 Watertown Walks for Peace (WW4P) effort to benefit the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute. We are grateful for your generous donations to the Louis D. Brown Institute, for […]

Past WG Updates

OPT UP Celebration

Watertown Electricity Choice “Opt Up to 100% Green” Door Hanger Campaign at 80% distribution; June 20, 2021 WEC Promotions Event a Success Volunteers are hitting the streets of Watertown to urge residents and small businesses […]

Past WG Updates


Watertown is embarking on the design of its Climate Action Plan. In 2019 the Town Council adopted a resolution embodying ambitious net zero goals for both municipal and non-municipal sectors and calling for a Climate […]

Native plants for DPW Pollinator Garden
Past WG Updates

New Pollinator Garden at Watertown DPW

On a beautiful Saturday morning, May 15, Pam Phillips and other volunteers from Friends of Bees came to the Watertown Department of Public Works to help install a new pollinator garden. Bob DeRico and his […]