Working Group Updates


    The Peace and Common Security Working Group’s Nuclear Disarmament Committee is on a mission to get Watertown folks to sign a Citizen Petition to the Watertown City Council and help get signatures from friends, neighbors [...]
  • WCPJE Statements

    ON ISRAEL/PALESTINE  11/17/2023 We affirm the right of all Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace, security, and justice.  We call for an Immediate Ceasefire and End to the Killing as first steps toward this [...]

Take Action!

Working Groups

  • Friends of Bees educates about and advocates for native bees, Monarch butterflies, and other pollinators. We usually meet on the last Wednesday of the month from January to October. […]

  • Banner centered on spreading tree. Text reads: This little garden is part of the Big Homegrown National Park. Join us. Read "Nature's Best Hope." Plant

    The first Chemical-Free Garden Tour took place in 2007.  Now, the Life-Friendly Garden Tour, is usually held twice a year. This self-guided tour is free and open to the public. We invite all gardeners in Watertown who do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides to participate as hosts. […]

  • Image of a banner, with a circle of hands meeting on another at the center, and blue text that reads: Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group: a working group of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment

    The Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group was formed in 2014 in response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis. We engage in diverse activities to help refugees from all over the world. […]

  • Our mission is to support Watertown as a leader among Massachusetts communities committed to addressing the climate crisis.  WFCC ordinarily meets on the first and third Sundays of the month from 5:00 to 6:30 in person and with a hybrid option.   […]

  • The Pigsgusset Initiative seeks to increase communication and promote collaboration among Watertown residents to undo the erasure of Indigenous Peoples from the place now called Watertown and to promote inclusive historical narratives. To this end, [...]
  • Our mission is to educate and engage Watertown residents in promoting U.S. military and foreign policy that seeks global justice and cooperation, the peaceful resolution of conflict, and human rights. We call for federal budgets [...]



Drop-in Yard Art for the Miyawaki Forest

At Watertown Free Public Library, Lucia Mastrangelo Room

Find out more...


Religious Leaders Respond to Injustices in Palestine

Religious Leaders Respond to Injustices in Palestine

From 2:30 PM

At The Church of the Good Shepherd

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Hands Off! Massachusetts Fights Back

From 11 am until 2:00 pm

At Parkman Bandstand

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Peace and Common Security - Disarmament Committee

Monthly Meeting

From 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM

At Zoom Meeting

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Our Mission


  • Protect the Environment
  • Promote Sound Environmental Practices
  • Oppose War and Aggression
  • Cultivate Peace and Security
  • Advocate for Social and Economic Justice



Please make a contribution to help sustain our work. Watertown Citizens celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2019. Help us continue our important local, national and international work for another 40 years by making a contribution today.

Make a check out to “Watertown Citizens” and mail it to: Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment, P.O. Box 1194, Watertown, MA 02171-1194


Please click on the Donate button below to give online.

We are a 501(c)(4) organization. Monetary donations are not tax-deductible.

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