Cambridge/Boston Women’s March

On January 20th, 2018, We the People of New England will take to the streets again to show that Women’s Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are Women’s Rights. Rain or shine, we welcome everyone to our event, including families and people with disabilities.

Read the FAQ’s and see the Official Facebook Page for the latest updates


The January Coalition is thrilled to announce our roster of confirmed speakers for the Cambridge/Boston Women’s March 2018. Our speakers are all amazing women from a broad range of experiences, and they reflect the many identities and issues that intersect with women’s rights.

Don’t recognize some of the names? We’ll be profiling our speakers and their accomplishments individually in the days to come, so keep checking back!

Elected Officials:
Marc McGovern, Mayor of Cambridge
Maura Healey, Attorney General of Massachusetts
Marjorie Decker, State Representative
Sumbul Siddiqui, Cambridge City Council

Community Speakers:
Rhoda Gibson, MassADAPT
Valentine Moghadam, Northeastern University
Laura Rotolo, ACLU Massachusetts
Nichole Mossalam, CAIR Massachusetts
Andrea James, Families for Justice As Healing
Tina Chéry, Louis D. Brown Peace Institute
Michelle Cunha, Massachusetts Peace Action
Savina Martin, Poor People’s Campaign
Eva Martin Blythe, YWCA Cambridge
Tray Johns, #Fedfam4life
Aleksandra Burger-Roy, NEIC
Freedom for All Massachusetts (speaker TBA)

MC: Zayda Ortiz, Indivisible Mystic Valley

More logistical information is coming soon! Accessibility information will be posted here:


1) We are a coalition of diverse social justice, human rights, disability rights, women’s rights, and peace organizations that are coming together on the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s inauguration to voice our opposition to an administration that is systematically eroding the rights of women and other marginalized people, dismantling and destroying our democracy, and putting the entire world at risk.

2) We have come together to affirm our common values, and we seek to ensure the rights of all people to liberty, dignity, and equal protection under the law.

3) We are dedicated to the guarantee of these basic human rights for all individuals, regardless of gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, age, religion, nationality, immigration status, disability, economic status, geographical residence, health status, culture, and political affiliation, not just in the United States but across the planet.

4) We believe that we are strengthened as a society by our diversity, and we are committed to protecting and passing laws that protect and sustain the rights of all people in our multicultural and multiethnic society.

5) We are united to resist the harmful consequences of President Trump’s administration on women, other marginalized groups, and the planet itself.

6) We envision this event as an occasion to recognize the resistance efforts undertaken thus far, and to further mobilize our collective energies for the year ahead.

Co-Hosts and Endorsers

List of groups co-hosting the event, in alphabetical order:
Boston Persists—Events for the Resistance
Cambridge Area Stronger Together
Cambridge-Somerville for Change
Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church
Human Rights Festival
Indivisible Mystic Valley
Indivisible Somerville
March Forward Massachusetts
Massachusetts Peace Action
Massachusetts People’s Budget Campaign
New England Independence Campaign
Not One Penny — Tax March
We Unite Organizations
… more coming soon!

List of groups endorsing the event:
American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts
Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment
… more coming soon!

If you would like to volunteer or join us as a cosponsor, please contact us at

We need your help (including your money) to put on a great event!  We need $10,000 to cover the costs of a stage, sound equipment, portable restrooms, a generator, etc. and have raised $3,550 as of January 15.  Every grassroots penny comes from YOU.  Donate on Paypal or on Eventbrite.




Make checks payable to Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund, write “Women’s March 2018” on the memo line, and mail to MAPA EF, 11 Garden St, Cambridge, MA 02138