Our mission is to support Watertown as a leader among Massachusetts communities committed to addressing the climate crisis. We work to identify opportunities to reduce emissions from old and new buildings and from cars and other vehicles. We were involved in developing the city’s Climate and Energy Plan, adopted by the City Council in 2022, and are helping city departments and boards implement it. We played an active role in ensuring that our schools would be among the most energy efficient in the country. Members of WFCC also drafted the Buildings Emission Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) now under consideration by the City Council.
WFCC ordinarily meets on the first and third Sundays of the month from 5:00 to 6:30 in person and with a hybrid option. Agenda, location and zoom info are circulated via email two days before every meeting and are also available, along with the minutes, on a Google doc. We are a node of 350 Mass as well as a working group of WCPJE. Email is WatertownFacesClimateChange@watertowncitizens.org.