Tell your member of Congress to cut the military budget, and to advance amendments for peace in the NDAA.

The National Defense Authorization Act, the massive Pentagon spending bill, will be voted on in the Senate as soon as this Thursday. We’re experiencing a global pandemic, an economic crisis, and racial unrest all at once. This is no time to be adding more money to an already bloated war budget. This is the time for the politicians to rethink what national security means and to spend our hard earned tax dollars here at home.

That’s why our Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren are teaming up with Senator Bernie Sanders to push for a 10% cut, 74 billion dollars, in this years NDAA. That money will be used to hire teachers, build affordable housing, and create jobs. Let them know that you appreciate their efforts, and encourage your representative to support a version in the House! 

Tell your member of Congress to cut the military budget, and to advance amendments for peace in the NDAA.


There’s also an opportunity to push forward progressive principles that we care about in one of the few ‘must pass’ bills of the year.

We’re asking for support for amendments that:

  • Cut in the military budget by at least 10%
  • End militarization of the police and do away with the 1033 program
  • Stop the military from being used against protesters in the United States
  • Prevent unconstitutional wars with Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea
  • Withdraw troops from Afghanistan
  • Protect our Nuclear arms treaties and ban Nuclear testing
  • End arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates
  • End all US participation in their brutal war in Yemen

Take one minute to send a message to Congress today. If you have time, give them a call.

Here’s a script to help make things easy for you:

1) Call the Congressional Switchboard at 202-224-3121

2) Ask for your representative, and when connected say:

3) My name is ___________ and I am a constituent living at (your address). I’m calling to urge Representative___________ to support amendments to the NDAA that would reduce wasteful Pentagon spending, stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, protect our nuclear treaties, ban nuclear testing, end our nation’s endless wars, and stop war with Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea. I look forward to hearing why the representative does or does not support these steps I feel are important.

4) Let us know how it went! Send us an email at