MASS-CARE Needs Your Signature and Your Help!

MASS-CARE Needs Your Signature and Your Help!

Mass-Care is an umbrella organization of more than 80 member organizations representing diverse constituencies–the elderly, low income people, various religious groups, labor unions, teachers, nurses, social workers, doctors, women, immigrants, and local towns and cities. Its mission – “to establish a single payer health care system in Massachusetts so that all residents of the Commonwealth will have access to comprehensive, quality, affordable and equitable health care because it is basic to life and human dignity“. This election season Mass-Care is organizing a non-binding ballot initiative in the legislative district of state representatives across the Commonwealth,

include Representative Steve Owens’ and Representative John Lawn’s districts here in Watertown. The initiative question “instructs the Representative from your district to vote for legislative to create a single payer system of universal health care in Massachusetts and to establish an insurance trust fund that is publicly administered”.

Mass-Cares needs to collect 400 signatures in both Representative districts in Watertown and you can help do it! Watertown Citizens will be setting up “sign in tables” on members’ porches and in yards that you can visit to sign the ballot initiative in May and June.

In the meantime you can get a petition and circulate it in your neighborhood and at your social gatherings and faith services. Simply click on this link and complete the questionnaire and you will be contacted and receive a petition.

Help my health care a human right for people not profit!