Pressure the Fossil Fuel Profiteers with the Warheads to Windmills Week of Action

Warheads to Windmills September 2024 Weeks of Action have made it easy to send tailored letters to fossil fuel producers calling out to them their excessive lobbying and failure to be part of the climate change response.

You can send letters by email or print out and mail them by going to their website.

Fossil Fuel Week! September 23rd-29th – Warheads to Windmills

Do 1 each day the week of Sept 22.  Or better yet

COME TO Watertown Faces Climate Change’s LETTER WRITING EVENT AT THE WATERTOWN LIBRARY, Lucia Mastrangelo Room on Wednesday Sept  25 from 2:30 – 4.  We will have printed letters for you to sign and add you own statement which we will mail to each polluter.   Stop off on your way to Farmers Market.