Watertown Electricity Choice “Opt Up to 100% Green” Door Hanger Campaign at 80% distribution;
June 20, 2021 WEC Promotions Event a Success
Volunteers are hitting the streets of Watertown to urge residents and small businesses to opt up to 100% renewable electricity through the Town’s official Watertown Electricity Choice Program. On Sunday, June 20, 16 organizers and other volunteer distributors met at noon to enjoy frozen treats, share their experiences, take photos to share with the press, and choose a turf if they had not already or were ready to do another, leaving just six turfs left for signup.
The City of Watertown and several local endorsing groups are taking advantage of the nice weather while promoting the most affordable way to reduce one’s carbon footprint: Opting Up to 100% Green in Watertown’s electricity program. The campaign seeks to reach all of Watertown’s 12,000 households and small businesses by signing up volunteers to hand deliver an info-filled door hanger to a Watertown neighborhood.
Watertown’s official Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee (WE3C) spearheaded a Community Choice residential electricity supply Aggregation program (CCA) called Watertown Electricity Choice (WEC). The committee held public information meetings, and with approval of the Town, developed the WEC/MassPowerChoice website in 2019. Offering the second highest amount of renewable energy in the State at 51%, WEC provides New England-based electricity to 84% of Watertown’s residents and small businesses, reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) the equivalent of driving the average passenger car 40 million miles annually.
WE3C invites the Watertown community to join us at its monthly public meetings to work on these projects or propose their own and to join Watertown Electricity Choice if they have not already done so; and if they have joined, to consider opting up to 100% Green Energy and by spreading the word to their Watertown neighbors to join the WEC door hanger outreach campaign. Opt up to 100% Green online or call Watertown’s program consultants at 1-844-278-9864. See door hanger distribution campaign sign up form here.
WE3C co-founding member Lauri Murphy led the outreach campaign a collaborative project of Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee (WE3C), Watertown Extinction Rebellion (XR), Sunrise Watertown, Watertown Faces Climate Change (WFCC), and the City of Watertown, all of whom were represented at the June 20 campaign promotions event.