Help us reach ALL of Watertown’s residents by signing up to deliver this info-filled door hanger to a Watertown neighborhood. Take advantage of the nice weather, pick your date and time, bring along family and friends!
Sign up using the form here: https://forms.gle/M9kKz1ibPEdYqUEp7
OR COME BY OUR CELEBRATION on the lawn for refreshments and comraderia and pick up a turf the **** SUNDAY JUNE20 noon 43 Summer Street ****
You can sign up for more than one slot/route and do on your own schedule. We hope to have all 12,000 door hangers delivered in the next two weeks. Routes are variable: expect two hours of walking more or less.
We hope to have all 12,000 door hangers delivered in the next two weeks!Routes are variable: expect two hours of walking more or less. You can pick your precinct/general area by number (1-12): Note: You will be covering just 1/3 of a precinct, as designated on the map you will be given. Up to three people will be needed per precinct to cover all of each. You can look up precincts here.
WE3C member Lauri Murphy is coordinating the effort. The door hangers, map, instructions, as well as talking points about the program (in case neighbors have questions) will be on her porch at 43 Summer Street (blue house, left door) in a box behind the porch wall. Once you sign up, she will email you with the next steps.
This campaign is a partnership of Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee (WE3C), Watertown Extinction Rebellion (XR), Sunrise Watertown, Watertown Faces Climate Change (WFCC), and the City of Watertown.