Sign the Petition to Representative Katherine Clark
ON LINE at https://chng.it/JH4vDXFn8b
Dear Representative Clark,
We the undersigned are your constituents and we are asking you to endorse and sponsor H. Res. 77 introduced by your colleague in the Massachusetts delegation, Representative James McGovern (D-MA) and sponsored by your colleague, Representative Richard Neal. H. Res. 77 calls on the President to embrace the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. H. Res. 77 does not call for unilateral disarmament, but envisions nuclear disarmament as the centerpiece of U.S. national security policy. It also calls on the United States to lead a global effort to move the world back from the nuclear brink and to prevent nuclear war.
We ask for your support because –
– The possibility of a nuclear exchange is growing day by day as we have seen in the Ukraine War. Even a “limited” nuclear exchange, involving only .5% of the world’s nuclear weapons, would cause enormous climate disruptions and world-wide famine putting 2 billion people at risk.
– In 2021 we spent $84,000 per minute or nearly $5 million per hour on nuclear weapons! Meanwhile we have embarked on a $2 trillion program to modernize our nuclear weapons. Our only remaining arms control agreement with Russia is in jeopardy and China and Korea are expanding their nuclear arsenals. H. Res. 77 offers the opportunity to step back from a new nuclear arms race and rebuild the trust needed to avoid a nuclear confrontation.
The Petition has been initiated by the Peace and Common Security Working Group of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment. For hard copies of the petition, please email peaceandsecurity@gmail.com