Myths and Realities of Islam: Learning and Sharing

World in Watertown presents a forum inspired by paintings by local Watertown artist Sheri Kennedy interpreting the Five Pillars from her Peace Corps experience in Niger, West Africa. These paintings were featured at the Iftar sponsored by the Waterton Citizens Refugee Support Group last year. The forum will introduce non-Muslim participants to the “Five Pillars of Islam” (faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage).

Imam Ismail Fenni, of the Islamic Society of Boston’s Cambridge mosque, will teach about Islamic practices. We will also engage in sharing and dialogue in small groups with both Muslim and non-Muslim participants.

The forum will highlight the similarities and differences of Islamic practices in different societies, and will encourage non-Muslim participants to reflect on their own religious and spiritual practices.

​This event is co-sponsored by the Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group.