Watertown is embarking on the design of its Climate Action Plan. In 2019 the Town Council adopted a resolution embodying ambitious net zero goals for both municipal and non-municipal sectors and calling for a Climate and Energy Plan to reach and refine those goals. The Climate Action Plan will also further work already done toward creating greater resiliency to the effects of Climate Change. A consultant, Kim Lundgren Associates, has been hired and members of a steering committee, Resilient Watertown Stakeholder Advisory Group, have been selected including several representatives from Watertown Faces Climate Change and Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee and met for the first time on May 10th. Working groups are being formed: Natural Resources, Transportation, Buildings and Energy, Infrastructure and Waste Management, Public Health and Preparedness, and Community Engagement. All information from the first meeting and subsequent news can be found at https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/Index/1954 If you have ideas or questions, please address them to Laurel Schwab, lschwab@watertown-ma.gov. We want the community to be involved in this project!
climate action plan: