FUN at 40!

FUN at 40!

It’s our 40th Anniversary! In 1979, galvanized by the Three Mile Island nuclear plant accident, we founded Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment. We promote peace and cooperation, oppose war and aggression, advocate for social and economic justice, and fight climate change and protect our environment.  To help us celebrate our anniversary, we’re bringing the comedy group Riot Improv to this year’s Annual Meeting and Potluck. We invite you and your friends to Improv Meets Organizing with Riot Improv on Sunday, June 9.

The potluck dinner will begin at 5:30 pm. At 6:15, we will hold our Annual Meeting. We will also honor the members of the Steering Committee who have stepped down this year: Henrietta Light and Lisa Kane. Then Riot Improv will help us tell our stories about our work in a fun way.  We will share some laughs as we re-energize ourselves for the work ahead.

We believe that it is through citizen engagement – with all of us playing a role – that we can achieve positive changes.  We also believe that democracy is not given to us; it’s something we need to continually work towards.

Sometimes we can see the fruits of our efforts – for example, banning plastic bags, cleaning up the Arsenal, passing the Community Preservation Act, or galvanizing the community to support immigrants. Sometimes we work against negative outcomes, such as fighting the development of more nuclear arms, opposing the Patriot’s Act violations of our civil liberties, or stopping the use of pesticides. Those outcomes are harder to see because success means no visible change.

These past forty years of results, both seen and unseen, have taught us the value of being a strong, flexible organization ready to help you respond to the issues that concern you. We were the launching pad for groups like Trees for Watertown, Watertown-El Tremedal Sister City Project, and ReThink Plastic. Our newest working groups – Watertown Citizens for Black Lives and Watertown Faces Climate Change – reflect your latest areas of concern.

We thank you for your support in making that happen. Watertown Citizens has thrived since 1979 because you have generously responded to our once a year appeal.  This year we ask you to celebrate our 40th with a special donation. Please respond with the enclosed card, or give online at

 We hope to see you at the Annual Meeting! And bring a friend!
The Steering Committee of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment

Sue-Ellen Hershman-Tcherepnin, President, Deborah Peterson, Secretary, Ron Webber, Treasurer, Nicole Gardner, Jacqui Gross, Tony Palomba, Pam Phillips, Abby Yanow