May Monthly Meeting: What is Watertown Doing for the Bees?

Planting strip with zinnias
Planting strip with zinnias

From 6:45 PM until 8:30 pm

For the May monthly meeting of Watertown Citizens, Friends of Bees will present what Watertown is doing to protect bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Recently, our City Manager, George Proakis, signed the Mayor's Monarch Pledge. which commits Watertown to taking steps to protect the Monarch Butterfly. These steps will also bring us closer to becoming a Bee City. 

For the Zoom link, click here.

Bee City USA is a network of communities and colleges that make a commitment to protect pollinators. The main commitments are to reduce pesticides, increase habitat, and celebrate pollinators. We are reducing pesticides by not using them on city plantings or in the gardens of the Life-Friendly Garden Tour. We are increasing habitat by planting pollinator gardens. We are celebrating pollinators with public art and events.  In order to become an official Bee City, we need to structure a pollinator committee that is as much a part of Watertown's city government as the Conservation Commission, Resilient Watertown, or the DPW.

A panel of three speakers will present:

Katie Swan, Watertown's Environmental Planner/Conservation Agent will speak about the Mayor's Monarch Pledge.
Linda Relson, Watertown Community Gardens board member, will speak about working with the DPW to plant public pollinator gardens.
Liz Helfer, Watertown's Public Arts & Culture Planner, will speak about upcoming public art about pollinators.

We hope you will join the buzz!



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