Webinar on Israeli Decision to Label Palestinian Organizations as Terrorists


From 2:00 PM

Join Mass Peace Action's webinar to hear directors of two of the Palestinian Organizations on Tuesday, January 18 at 2:00 PM EST.

The Israeli government has designated six eminent Palestinian human rights / civil society organizations as “terrorist" groups.  Rep. Jim McGovern declared, “It is now time to firmly and unambiguously denounce the actions taken and urge the Israeli government to reverse its decisions.”

But President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken and all other members of the Massachusetts delegation, except Rep. Ayanna Pressley, have failed to issue or support similar statements.

This petition is from people and organizations in Massachusetts, including Massachusetts chapters of national groups. 

By signing this petition, you will be asking President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken to demand that the Israeli government revoke this designation, which has been condemned by governments and religious organizations world-wide, including many Israeli human rights organizations

We will also deliver the petition with the individual and organization signatures to all 11 Members of Congress who represent Massachusetts.  Please sign this petition by January 31, 2022 and share it with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors.

Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA) is honored to host a webinar featuring the directors of two of the Palestinian organizations that Israel has “outlawed". Join us on January 18 at 2:00 PM EST for:


An attack on human rights - how should we respond? A conversation with Sahar Francis, director of Addameer and Ubai Aboudi, director the Bisan Center - two of the Palestinian NGOs the Israeli government has outlawed.

  Register to attend.

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