From 1:30 pm until 5 pm
At Hosmer School
1 Concord Rd, Watertown, MA 02472
See more details here in the program.
Watertown Celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day
Sunday, October 1, 2023
1:30 to 5:00 PM
Hosmer Elementary School
1 Concord Street, Watertown, MA
A flyer is available here
Music, dance, and storytelling by indigenous performers including:
*Nettukkusqk Singers
*Brock Stonefish
*Eastern Sun Drummers and Dancers
*Thea Hopkins
*Geri Barney
*Teddy and Maria Hendricks
*Judy Fallows will describe the “three sisters gardens” at the elementary and middle schools.
*Indigenous food by Sonya Avant
*Indigenous crafts, arts and books provided by:
Deborah Moorehead, Leslie Tuplin, Holly Carrol Cachimuel, Bob and Cindy Shelley, Geri Barney,
Julia Marden, Hartman Deetz, and Belmont Bookstore
Pigsgusset Initiative – Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment
Funded by the Watertown Community Foundation, Massachusetts Cultural Council, Watertown Savings Bank and
individual donations. Organized by the Pigsgusset Initiative – a working group of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the
Environment – in partnership with New Repertory Theatre.
Supporters and sponsors include First ParishWatertown; Watertown Boys and Girls Club, Watertown Community for Black Lives; Cuniff, Hosmer and Lowell Elementary Diversity and Belonging Councils; Watertown’s Department of Community Development and Planning; Watertown Boys and Girls Club and WHERE ARE ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE AT.