From 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM
At Watertown/Belmont United Methodist Church @ 80 Mt. Auburn Street (across from Starbucks
The Ukraine War and the Peace Movement
The war in Ukraine is devastating for Ukraine soldiers and civilians, as well as for Russian soldiers and civilians, and it is having dire consequences outside of the immediate death and destruction of daily combat. The consequences of the war include the rising cost of energy, devastating world hunger, the possibility of a nuclear power disaster, and the potential for a nuclear war. As peace activists we must ask ourselves what can we do to end the war and, as resident of the U.S., we must ask what can our government due to end the war.
Answers to these questions have led to strong differences among those who consider themselves committed to peace and justice in organizations around the country. This is also true within Watertown Citizens. For example there was serious disagreement about the demand “No to NATO Expansion” that was part of our call for a vigil on the Ukraine war and which was ultimately removed.
As an organization we could leave the questions unresolved or we can use the situation as an opportunity to learn from each other. Voting for the latter, the Steering Committee asked the new Peace and Common Security working group to draft a proposal for an organization-wide open and respectful discussion about the questions –
What can we, as peace activists, do to end the war?
What should we demand our government to do to end the war?
A discussion of these questions should not be seen as an existential conversation, but rather one that has practical and important implications. If we are serious about doing all we can to end the Ukraine war, we must consider whether the answers we discuss are realistic and effective.
Please join us on Sunday, October 2 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be either in-person or on Zoom.