From 1 PM until 3 PM
At Mosesian Center for the Arts
The Art of Climate Activism
Brief lectures, panel discussion and conversations with all present!
A panel of local activists and our own Ann Munson from WFCC will present key facts of the climate crisis and discuss ways forward. Based on current information, but moving beyond it, the focus will be on
- Environmental disasters and promising responses
- Despair vs. hope
- Individual vs. collective action
with Sabine von Mering, Professor at Brandeis University, core member of Environmental Studies Program, director of the Center for German and European Studies (CGES), co-editor of Routledge Handbook of Grassroots Climate Activism (2024)
Ann Munson, 350 Mass
Nathan Scott, MassEnergize
n conjunction with Shared Habitat Earth exhibition ONE FUTURE, comes this special event: