From 7:30 PM until 9:00 PM
At Watertown Square and MDCR Dock
Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Sunday, August 8, 2021
7:30 PM – Silent Vigil – Watertown Square
8:00 PM – Music and Testimonials
8:30 PM – Launching of the Candle Boats – MDCR Dock
“Why do we stand in silence and float candle boats”?
*To remember the more than 210,000 killed, and the many more injured, by the U.S. nuclear attack on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9 in 1945.
*To remember the original five nuclear states have not taken serious action to abolish nuclear weapons, which has led India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel to acquire nuclear weapons.
*To remember that President Biden continues the efforts of Presidents Obama and Trump to spend $1.7 TRILLION to modernize our nuclear arsenal.
*To remember that the United States and Iran must recommit to the provisions of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JOPOA) and that the U.S. must find common security with China and avoid a new cold war.
*To remember that the U.S. should support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and adopt a “No First Use” doctrine: the U.S. must never be the first to use nuclear weapons.
*To remember that the danger of nuclear war is ever present and that without a powerful grassroots movement dedicated to nuclear disarmament, the unthinkable, another Hiroshima or Nagasaki, is possible.
Sponsored by Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment,
New England American Friends Service Committee and Mass Peace Action.
Visit www.watertowncitizens.org and www.facebook.com/WatertownCitizensPJE
For a listing of other activities remembering the events of August 6 and 9, visit www.masspeaceaction.org