Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War: Rebuilding a Broader Movement


From 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM

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An Online Conference

RegisterWith Congress appropriating funds for new and upgraded nuclear weapons and delivery systems, the need to counter these misguided policies has become acute. The 2022 Conference will follow the general pattern of   previous conferences , but with increased emphasis on coordinating efforts of advocates, and expanding outreach to organizations and constituencies outside the world of nuclear disarmament advocates.

Saturday afternoon, Jan 29, 2022,  2 – 6 pm.   Register to attend .

[2:00 pm] Welcome –  Rev. Thea Keith-Lucas, MIT Chaplain to the Institute

[2:05 pm] Background and Tasks of this Conference-  Prof. Jonathan King

[2:10 pm]  Dangers and Costs: Chair – Susan Mirsky:

         – Prohibiting First Use of Nuclear Weapons – Elaine Scarry

         – Resisting a New Cold War with China –  Joseph Gerson

         – How the Nuclear Weapons Manufacturers Influence Policy – William Hartung

         –  A Moral Fusion Movement to Change the Political Landscape- Shailly Gupta Barnes 

[3:10]  Paths Forward:  Chair Jean Athey :

         -Barriers to Policy Change – Phyllis Bennis

         – Prospects for Changing U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policies – Joe Cirincione

         – Role of the Congressional Progressive Caucus in Promoting Nuclear Disarmament –  Larry Cohen

4:00 Break

4:10 pm  Breakouts, listed below.

5:15 pm  Moving Outward: Chair Jodie Evans.

    – Prospects for Change in the US House – Representative  Barbara Lee 

    –  Prospects for Change in the US Senate – Senator Jeff Merkley 

     – Moving our Ideas into Political Action  – Medea Benjamin.

6:00 pm Adjourn.


Breakouts, to be held earlier 4:15 – 5:00 pm:  These are focused working groups planning for 2022. Reporters to provide summary of proposals  from the Breakout for circulation to Registrants and co-sponsoring organizations.

A. Growing in New Congressional Districts: Chair –  Aaron  Chapell (Our Revolution). Panelists –  David Borris (Chicago Area Peace Action),  Shailly Gupta Barnes (Poor People’s Campaign),  Jean Athey (Maryland Peace Action). (Reporter Drew King).

B. Promoting Nuclear Disarmament in Rotary Clubs: Chair – Frances Jeffries. Panelists –  Ann Frisch. (Reporter  Peter Metz).

C. Promoting Nuclear Disarmament within Communities  of Faith: Chair –  Sofia Wolman. Panelists  Mike Moran (Pax Christi MA),  Nicholas Mele (Pax Christi USA).  Keith Harvey (AFSC). (Reporter Louise Coleman). 

D. Advancing the Back From the Brink Resolution: Chair –  Denise Duffield (LA-PSR). Panelists –  Dr. Ira Helfand (PSR),  Anna Baker (GBPSR) , Jackie Cabasso (Mayors for Peace), Dennis Carlone (Cambridge City Council). (Reporter – Jeannie Winner).

E. Advancing No First Use Legislation: Chair-  Steve Gallant. Panelists-  Elaine Scarry (CPDCS ),  Kennette Benedict (Bulletin),  Dave Pack (Kansas City). (Reporter- Steve Slaner).

F. Cutting the Budget for New Nuclear Weapons: Chair –  Carley Towne. Panelists –   Monica Montgomery (CLW),  David Swanson (World Beyond War);  Williams Hartung (Quincy Institute); (Reporter, Richard Krushnic ). 

G. Resisting a New Cold War and  Promoting International Treaties: Chair –  John Ratliff (Mass Peace Action). Panelists –  Joseph Gerson (Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security);  Ralph Hutchison (Oak Ridge Peace Alliance);  Drew Baldwin (Northeastern University). (Reporter – Mike Van Elzakker).

H. Fund Healthcare Not Warfare; Recruiting in the Public Health Community: Chair –  Amar Ahmad (FHCNW) .  Jonathan King (MAPA),  Dr. Robert Gould (San Francisco PSR);  Catherine DeLorey (Women’s Health Institute);  Martin Fleck (PSR);  Vaughn Goodwin (1199SEIU). (Reporter-Louise Parker).

I. Recruiting on Campuses: Chair; Prof.  Robert Redwine (MIT). Panelists –  Prof. Stewart Prager (Princeton),  Margaret Engel (PANYS),  Kareem King (Harvard BSA),  Prof. Edmund Bertschinger (MIT Physics);  Prof. Gary Goldstein (Tufts U);  Liz Bajjalieh (Student Network Director, Chicago Area Peace Action). (Reporter – William Moon).

J. No Wars, No Warming; Chair-   Rev. Bob Moore (NJ). Panelists –  Ed Aguilar (CFPA),  Rosalie Anders (MAPA), Nick Rabb (Sunrise),  Diane Fine (350 MA),  Vernon Walker (CREW). (Reporter – TBA).

K. Mobilizing Cultural Workers, Musicians and Artists: Chair  – Jim Anderson: Panelists  Eva Moseley (Mass Peace Action),  Kathie Malley-Morrison (Boston University);  Mel Hardy (Millenium Arts DC); Andre DeQuadros (Boston University). (Reporter – Jack Snyder).

L. Working with Our Revolution Chapters: Chair:  Martha Karchere (Our Revolution MA). Panelists –   Rand Wilson (OR-Somerville);  Carolyn Magid (OR-Cambridge);  Hal Ginsberg (Our Revolution Maryland); (Reporter Jared Hicks)

M. Working with Poor People’s Campaign Chapters ( Chair –  Maryellen Kurkulos (Mass Peace Action): Panelists –  Jodie Evans (CodePINK),  Rosemary Kean (MAPA),  Martha Speiss (Maine PA),  Anne Cassebaum (NC). (Reporter-  Steve Powell (MaPPC).

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