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Past Events

True cost of the Military Industrial Complex: Connections between the Military, Climate Change, and the Corona Crisis

Register for online meeting to receive access codes. This video discusses the true costs of the military-industrial-complex, particularly the impact of militarism on the environment. It points out the interrelationships between war, militarism, human […]

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Past Events

Film – Gaza Fights for Freedom

This film shows you Gaza’s protest movement like you’ve never seen before. Filmed during the height of the Great March Of Return protests, it features exclusive footage of demonstrations where 200 unarmed civilians have been […]

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Past Events

Film: Nalia and the Uprising

When a nation-wide uprising breaks out in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, a young woman in Gaza must make a choice between love, family, and freedom. Undaunted, she embraces all three, joining a clandestine network of […]