From 10:00 am until 3:00 pm
At Lowell School
Orchard St and George St
Forests for Watertown invite you to the Watertown Miyawaki Forest Planting Day Festival!
A unique collaboration of community, school, city, garden and tree groups is hosting a Planting Day Festival with all the tools, trees, instruction and refreshments needed for planting a seedling forest. Together, we'll plant750 trees in 2000 square feet in the corner of the Lowell schoolyard to create a Tiny Forest (aka Mini-Forest, Miyawaki Forest) featuring an outdoor classroom.
Everyone is invited! To register, please sign up here (or a time slot that day. This is vital to helping us organize a great event.
Even if you can't come that day, there are plenty of opportunities for you to help make this happen.
To learn more, contact Forests for Watertown at WatertownMiyawaki@gmail.com.