From 7:00 pm until 8:30 PM
At Watertown Free Public Library, Watertown Savings Bank Room
Dr Robert Gegear of UMass Dartmouth will speak on his work studying bumblebees, and other at-risk pollinators. Learn how ecological data collected by his research lab and Beecology Citizen Science Project are being used to gain insight into the causes of species loss from bee and butterfly pollination systems native to New England. The talk will also highlight the ‘eco-technology' that has been developed to aid Beecologists in the collection of species interaction data, including the launch of a new version of the webapp with automated butterfly and plant ID functions powered by iNaturalist in Spring 2022. The talk will conclude with an overview of how citizen scientists have been using Beecology data to significantly advance native biodiversity restoration efforts in Massachusetts over the past 3 years.