Candlelight Vigil: Support the Peace Process in Korea

The Summit between North Korea and the United States takes place June 12

Join us on Monday, June 11  5:30pm @ Park Street Station, Boston

Candlelight Vigil: Support the peace process in Korea

On April 27 the leaders of North and South Korea declared that “there will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula and thus a new era of peace has begun”. Now it is time for our country to step up to the plate and offer U.S. support to what these leaders have begun. On June 12 (actually 9pm June 11 here) President Trump and President Kim Jung-un of North Korea will take the bold step of holding a joint summit in Singapore. We urge both leaders to begin a process that will lead to the complete de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula, an end to sanctions, and the signing of a non-aggression pact and a peace treaty to end the Korean war. Join us at 5:30pm Monday to support peace negotiations that must begin to lift the danger of catastrophic war in Korea from the shoulders of the people of Korea and the world. For years now thousands of people throughout South Korea have held enormous candlelight rallies to bring down a repressive government and to demand peace and reconciliation between the 2 Koreas.

It is time for us to express our solidarity to these brave Koreans who have lived in the shadow of war for almost 7 decades.

It’s time to declare that the war is over.

For Information contact Mass. Peace action: 617-354-2169