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Past Events

Not One Penny Conference

The “Not One Penny” National Team and The Mass. Peoples Budget Campaign cordially invite you to the Northeast Regional convening of the Not One Penny campaign. This conference will take place on Saturday, December 2nd in Boston. 10am-11am Rally against […]

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Past Events

Special Free Showing of “13th” and Discussion

13th, a film directed by Ava DuVernay (best known for “Selma”), explores the US history of racial inequality that led to disproportionate incarceration of African Americans. There will also be speakers: • Clarence Blevins, a […]

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Past Events

Peace of Mind – World Record Attempt

Be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience to set a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title! To create our human peace sign, thousands will gather on the Boston Common Saturday morning, amidst a celebratory atmosphere of music, entertainment and […]

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Past Events

National Bird – Film

Why is our government killing thousands of people around the globe they can’t even identify? See National Bird, a film directed by Sonia Kennebeck about the secret US drone assassination program, through the eyes of three whistleblowers. Plagued […]