Summer Life-Friendly Garden Tour – UPDATE!

Monarch butterfly on zinnia
Monarch butterfly on zinnia
Monarch butterfly on zinnia

From 10:00 am until 2:00 pm

At Gardens around Watertown


Please note there are THREE new gardens on the map! Please remember to include them when you are deciding who to visit. Full descriptions are the online map here.

🦋14 Stoneleigh Road🦋Abbey Koplovitz 

🐛Native plant and pollinator garden with a path to a secret garden.🐛

🦋179 Edenfield Ave.🦋Xin Peng 

🐛Mostly perennials and some annuals from friends and neighbors' gardens.🐛

🦋34 Parker Street🦋Lisa Feltner 

🐛Planting strip with two trees and a variety of pollinator plants.🐛

The 26th Life-Friendly Garden Tour is coming up on June 23 the last Sunday of National Pollinator Week.

This will be our first Summer Garden Tour!

As Watertown has signed the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge,
And it’s about the time when Monarch Butterflies reach New England,
We will celebrate the Monarch butterfly!

Please see the Garden Tour home page for more resources here.

A printable version of the map and brochure describing the gardens is available here! Keep an eye on the online map for last minute additions.

Co-hosted by Friends of Bees and Watertown Pollinator Pathways, this program is supported in part by a grant from the Watertown Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

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