From 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm
Watertown's 25th Life-Friendly Garden Tour is coming on September 10, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm!
NEW: Social Hour at the end of the tour!
Hours for visiting gardens will be from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm.
After that time, all garden hosts and guests are welcome to stop by 23 Stuart Street for light refreshments. It will be a great opportunity meet our fellow gardeners of all experience levels. We are also holding a scavenger hunt and drawing. Tell us something new you have seen or learned, and you will be eligible to enter. Prizes will be awarded during the social hour at 23 Stuart Street.
A printable version of the map and brochure describing the gardens is available here! Keep an eye on the online map for last minute additions.
Since this is an outdoor event, we are not requiring anyone to wear a mask. We do recommend that you be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. The map and brochure for the Fall 2023 Garden Tour are posted below. The numbered green dots indicate hosted gardens. Hosted gardens will be welcoming guests during the hours of the Garden Tour. Until the next tour, please be respectful and view these gardens from the street. The golden flowers indicate unattended planting strips and public gardens. These are open for viewing from the street any time!
For more information about the Garden Tour, please visit our home page here.