Friends of Bees Monthly Meeting


From 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm

At Zoom

Friends of Bees invites you to join us on Zoom.

Click here for the link.

On August 30, we will be at the Watertown Farmers Market again. If you can help staff the table for an hour or two, please let us know. We  expect to have the map for the Garden Tour available by then.

Jamie is developing a CPA proposal to renovate the the old North Branch of the Library and add a pocket park to the grounds. There are a number of trees and shrubs that are probably already providing forage to bees in spring. We should write letters of support, and encourage them to preserve as many of the trees as possible, and to add flowers for summer and fall. Again, please let us know if you're interested in helping to draft a letter of support.

In 2023, we are planting and maintaining public pollinator gardens, holding events such as pollinator walks, supporting the Mayor's Monarch Pledge, and hoping to see Watertown become a Bee City. 


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