Holding Stephen Lynch Accountable on Yemen


From 12 noon until 1:00 PM

At One Harbor St. Boston, MA 02210

Holding Stephen Lynch Accountable on Yemen
Rally at Congressmen Lynch’s Boston Office
One Harbor St. Boston, MA 02210
Thursday, January 27th from 12pm-1pm
The Raytheon Antiwar Campaign will hold a rally in Boston outside of the office of Rep. Stephen Lynch on Thursday January the 27th at noon. We’ll be asking the congressman to explain his vote against an amendment to end US complicity in Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen. Lynch was one of only 11 members of the Democratic Party to vote against the amendment last September.
Activists labeled him a member of the “Extermination 11.”
When Donald Trump was president Congressman Lynch voted to end our role Saudi Arabia’s war by voting for a War Powers Resolution.
What explains this flip-flop on the world’s worst humanitarian crisis? Why is Stephen Lynch taking sides with Saudi Arabia, an authoritarian government that starves children and dismembers journalists?
Why is he siding with a murderer, Saudi Crown Prince MBS, in his war to destroy the people of Yemen?
These are the questions we’d like answers to. At any time Congressman Lynch can change course and introduce a War Powers Resolution to force this issue and stop the US from taking part in this war. We’ll encourage him to do so.
Join us!
(Parking available across from Lynch’s office on Harbor St. or walk down Summer street from the South Station Redline stop)
Raytheon Anti-War Campaign  Phone: 617-354-2169  Email: info@masspeaceaction.org

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