Citizen Petition Public Hearing Regarding the BB&N MOU


From 6:00 PM

At City Council Chambers in City Hall

149 Main Street

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

This is to inform you that the Watertown City Council is holding a mandatory public
hearing to discuss a Citizens’ Petition initiated by Janet Buck and me and signed by 216
concerned citizens.

This petition challenged the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Council
and Buckingham Brown & Nichols School regarding the development of their newly
purchased property on Grove Street.

The MOU clearly states this: “The Cooperative Agreement will expand access to open
green space for active recreation use by the children and adults in Watertown and other
nearby communities and by the students of BB&N.”

But, on November 24, 2020, BB&N released plans that specified two multi-purpose
synthetic fields.

The Environmental Protection Agency defines “open green space” as “land that is partly
or completely covered by grass, trees, shrubs, or other vegetation.” A plastic surface,
painted green, in no way qualifies as open green space. It is an unnecessary heat island,
teeming with toxic chemicals.

This appears to be a clear-cut case of bait and switch. This deal might not have happened
had the public been invited to voice their concerns. Instead, the Council’s discussions
regarding the deal were held in Executive Session, with no public involvement.
Some Council members have indicated privately that they were not aware of BB&N’s
switch from natural grass to synthetic turf.

In this matter, where the health and safety of the community and protection of the
environment have been ignored, we believe that it is our responsibility to publicly ask the
Council to review its decision and withdraw from the MOU.

Please attend and make your voice heard!

Need more information? Contact Elodia Thomas at

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