International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People


From 12:30 PM until 2:00 PM

Join us to express our solidarity with Palestinians and to let our Senators know that we are tired of paying for Israel’s colonizing occupation and theft of the Palestinian people’s land and lives.

Mass taxpayers give Israel $130 million annually as part of the $3.8 billion the US government gives to Israel yearly. If Israel wants weapons, their taxpayers can pay.

No More Billions for Israel’s Crimes
Fund OUR Needs in These Hard Times

We want that money back to fund desperately needed housing, education, daycare, healthcare, climate change resiliency and much more right in Massachusetts!

We’ll hear speakers from groups that can find better uses for the money, we’ll march to the JFK building to deliver our letter to Senators Markey and Warren. BABAM will lighten our step with music in the streets!

                            COME JOIN US AND LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD!!
Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine, JVP-Boston, Mass Peace Action, Boston Palestine Solidarity Committee, Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment.



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