Monthly Meeting and Discussion: What Should the US Role in Venezuela Be?

Please join us at our Monthly Meeting where we can share perspectives and thoughts on WHAT SHOULD THE US ROLE IN VENEZUELA BE?

We will be joined by Rev. Mike Clark who will provided a historical context about the US role in Venezuela in the last 21 years. Rev. Clark is the Recovery Outreach Worker at the Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church. From 2004-14 he visited Venezuela seven times and saw firsthand the accomplishments of the Bolivarian revolution.

We encourage you to read and bring any articles that you find enlightening. Here are a few that we have found.

Yes, conditions in Venezuela are bad. No, we shouldn’t intervene. Boston Globe By Steven Kinzer

What’s Next for Venezuela as U.S. & Opposition Reject Negotiations Aimed to End Crisis Peacefully? Democracy Now

Greenwald: How Can Democrats Support Trump’s Push for Regime Change to Seize Venezuela’s Oil? Democracy Now

Columnist Marty Nathan: What the political climate in Venezuela means in the larger climate conversation