2022 January Monthly Minutes

Land Acknowledgement

Working Groups Highlights and Activities

Watertown Faces Climate Change (WFCC) activities include advocacy and participation in the City’s  Climate Action Plan, Moving Our Schools to Net Zero,  Solid Waste and Recycling, Support for the State Climate Legislation, Sustainability in new development (particularly BioLabs), and the Fair Share Amendment.  They are a node of 350 Mass and follow their lead in making climate justice central to their work.  While each of these initiatives moves forward through the hard and constant work of volunteers, there are other opportunities for those who want to be on action call list.

The Pigsgusset Initiative seeks to increase communication and promote collaboration among Watertown residents to undo the erasure of Indigenous Peoples from the place now called Watertown and to promote inclusive historical narratives.  Their recent petition to rename the Columbus Delta (in Watertown Square) will be considered by the City Council very soon.  Other upcoming events include a collaboration with the Library on displays and programs featuring indigenous people, presentations in the schools of scenes from Listen to Sipu, and advocating for more inclusive curriculum in the schools.

Watertown Community for Black Lives (WCBL) has experienced enormous growth since its inception.  Conscious of Watertown as  a majority white city, they have worked to create a leadership structure of people of color. All their meetings are informed by the understanding that racial inequality exists, even without personal racism, given the ongoing, entrenched racism of our society.  They work to recognize its intent and acknowledge its impact.  Among their activities are Policy Reform, Racial Equity in the Schools, Ensuring Equity in Government, Discussion Groups, and Celebrations such as Watertown’s first official Juneteenth.

Friends of Bees advocates for and educates about bees –  especially native bees and other pollinators – through hosting events and disseminating information  (e.g. lists of bee friendly plants). Working with DPW, they have planted several pollinator gardens in town.  Watertown is moving forward to qualify as a Bee City, which requires a formal ordinance, posting of bee friendly materials, educational efforts and commitment to no pesticide use.

The Refugee Support Group first started in response to the Syrian refugee crisis. They provide material and emotional support to MA refugees, asylum seekers, and other immigrants from many countries. Support includes help with housing, furnishings, food, clothing, tutoring, medical appointments, school registration, language and emotional support. Pre-covid they held educational forums and films on immigrant issues. They continue to support immigration legislation, and are also currently working to remind the public of the plight of the many asylum seekers who have been here for years, working and paying taxes, but caught in limbo with no scheduled asylum interviews to clarify their status. Among other problems, their lack of status denies them access to college financial aid for their children.

Breakout Group Reports- Ideas for future meetings, forums, actions

Intersection of Community Conversations and Charter Changes (i.e. Human Rights Commission, Comprehensive Plan) with the work we are doing – how to have a voice in implementation

Refugee Support Group and asylum backlog: Small acts of assistance to people in need can have a very large impact and be rewarding and fulfilling; but need to bring attention to the asylum crisis on the national level – possible presentation

Presentation could bring to light the emotional toll on refugees and asylum seekers.

Loss of in-person events – how about an online Iftar or similar event like the MLK Breakfast, and an all-hands event creating pollinator gardens

How to collaborate, communicate with other groups, letting them know what is happening; groups show up for each other, ways to ask for and show support?;  Possible focus on Watertown 400th year anniversary as an excellent opportunity to express our values

Act Now Watertown interactive trails; proposal

WFCC focus on climate justice presents a natural opportunity to collaborate, make personal connections. Intentional opportunities to meet.  A challenge given limited bandwidth

Yay for new attendees with interest in Pollinators, Plants, Project Literacy and Peace.  Lots of areas for action and forums on peace  – US military, militarization, military sales, foreign policy, Ukraine efforts to isolate China, and existential threat of nuclear war. Tony would like to start a new working group focused on peace.

People don’t know about all we do. We need better marketing

In the absence of in-person meetings, how do we form deep-seated connections among those with a shared purpose?

What forums or formats engage younger activists in our work?

How to match potential volunteers to groups – town volunteer day , volunteer fair

Connect to teachers?

Transportation for Seniors

Gun violence –This has taken an unfortunate backseat. We need to be more active again.  Recent action by City council to restrict locations for gun sales

Barbara Ruskin’s goal of re-energizing neighborhood groups is one way to increase engagement

Respectfully submitted, Deborah Peterson

Recordings of the meeting

1) January Monthly Meeting – https://studio.youtube.com/video/fJMxU616HhQ/edit

2) January Monthly Meeting Report from Breakout Groups  – https://studio.youtube.com/video/X7q9I-2-FBI/edit