Past Actions

Green Spaces in Watertown Need Your Voice

Watertown is making a great example of public engagement in the Watertown Square Area Plan. We hope you have seen some of the letters shared about green spaces and how trees are just as important […]

Past Actions


UPDATE! Because of the predicted storm on Saturday, the Rally For Climate Justice is now scheduled for this Sunday, July 14 at 1:00 pm on the Boston Common. We Don’t Have a Budget Yet and […]

Monarch butterfly on zinnia
Past WG Updates

Sign up for the Garden Tour

Would you like your garden to be a part of the 26th Life-Friendly Garden Tour? Sign-ups are now open for the first summer Life-Friendly Garden Tour on June 23. Anyone in Watertown who has not used […]

Past Actions

Leave the car home? Take our Survey

5 Quick Questions to help us understand how you get around now and if you usually drive alone, what it would take to persuade you to ditch the car. Watertown Faces Climate Change is looking […]